Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Ex-Wives are stealing children all over the world!!
Spiderman 'on crane for a week'
Mr Chick is dressed as spiderman - his daughter's favourite character
A man dressed as Spiderman is threatening to stay on top of a crane for a whole week in protest about fathers' rights.
David Chick scaled a 120 foot crane near Tower Bridge in London at dawn on Friday.
He claims he has been refused access to his three-year-old daughter despite a court order allowing him to see her.
Mr Chick said he chose to wear a Spiderman costume because he is his daughter's favourite comic book hero.
Police negotiators are talking to Mr Chick to try to get him to come down and Tower Bridge is closed.
It is the latest in a series of protests by the campaign group Fathers 4 Justice.
On 21 October two men dressed as Batman and Robin held a rooftop protest at the Royal Courts of Justice.
After their demonstration, government minister Lord Filkin, who has responsibility for the family law system, agreed to meet Fathers 4 Justice members at a future date.
Email: join@fathers-4-justice.org
NEW! 31st October 2003:
Spiderman Scales Tower Bridge Crane in Fathers Protest - Traffic Chaos Ensues
In the early hours of Friday morning (31st Oct), Spiderman (aka David Chick) joined the crusade against Family Court injustice when he scaled a crane at a construction site close to Tower Bridge, just days after Fathers 4 Justice representatives met with Lord Filkin, the minister responsible for the family law system at the Department of Constitutional Affairs. Police were forced to close Tower Bridge, resulting in rush-hour traffic chaos in central London. Dave Chick had previously staged a lone crane protest back in June, inspired by the major F4J Father's Day protest in London